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Preparing to Move to a Senior Living Community

Last week we wrote about how important exercise is in preparing you physically for moving furniture and various other items to your new home. This week we want to give you more specific examples and step by step instructions on what exercises you should add to your moving check list to stay agile for the move to a senior living community.

The two main types of exercise that will help you stay agile are aerobics and muscle building exercises. We have a few great options listed below, along with low impact work outs.


Aerobics, also called cardio, is a great way to burn calories, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It helps with joint movement, improves heart health and increases energy levels.

senior woman at swimming pool

Photo Credit | Deposit Photo | © .shock

• Start slow, only 5 minutes a day and as you get more comfortable you can do up to 30 minutes.
• Walking, tennis, swimming, hiking and jogging are great examples.

Building Muscle

Muscle training is just as important as cardio exercise and should be included in your routine. Again start slow with low impact exercises. It is recommended to do 2 sets of 10 reps on each exercise that requires reps. And for the weights, start small with 2-3 lbs and no heavier than 10 lbs.

Below are some great examples.

• Legs

o Squats – Stand near a chair in case you lose your balance (you can also put pillows around to soften the blow if you do fall). Keep your arms out front, which will also help with your balance. When you squat, do not let your knees go past your toes and keep your back straight.
o Leg Raises – This will help strengthen your thigh, hip, buttock and lower back muscles and again will help with balance. Start by holding on to a chair and lift your legs straight up to the side with a slight bend on your supporting leg.
o Chair Stands – Helps you reduce the risk of falling and increase your balance. Sit in an armless chair, keep back and shoulders straight and extend arms parallel to the ground. Then slowly stand up without using your hands. Repeat 10-15 times.
o Toe Stands – These are excellent for your calves. Stand behind a chair and slowly raise to your tip toes and told it up there for 30 seconds to a minute.

• Upper Body

o Bicep Curls – Helps to build and maintain your arm strength for doing daily things like lifting the grocery bags, the heavy milk jugs and also for moving (as mentioned in last week’s blog). Sit or stand (whichever you are more comfortable with) and hold weights in your hand, down at your side with palms facing up and always keep your elbows tucked in. Then bend your elbows and lift weights towards your chest.

Senior woman lifting weights to help move.

Photo Credit | Deposit Photos | © bst2012

o Push Ups – Great for your arms, shoulders and chest. These can be done in the traditional way on the floor or on a wall; either way you choose, keep your back straight and core tight.
o Weight lifting – Using light weights or elastic bands, sit/stand with palms facing forward and lift weights above your head. You can also do side arm raises, holding the weights at your side, palms facing inward and raise your arms out to the side. And lastly you can do front arm raises.

Lower Impact Exercises

If you are uncomfortable or physically unable to do the exercises we mentioned above, there are many low impact options. You can start by looking into water sports at your community or local gym. Lifting weights and doing aerobics in the water is much easier on your body and more manageable at an older age.

There are also low impact options such as yoga, Pilates, tai chi and even stretching is a great exercise. These allow for less stress on the body but still keeps your body active.

Preparing yourself for a move by exercising may help keep you more agile and decrease the likelihood of injury. Then again, it is much easier to hire a professional who specializes in senior moving services. We are here to serve you, click here for a free move consultation, or give us a call at (800) 227-0515.