Making Decisions for Elderly Parents
At this point in your life, you will find yourself switching roles with your parents – before you know it, you have become the parent. For many, this may mean it is time to start taking on a decision-making role in your elderly parents’ lives.

Photo Credit | Deposit Photos | @ Jay_Filim
It is important to learn how to communicate with your parents before you attempt to take over their role and all of their decisions. As the ‘parent’ start by communicating and expressing your love and respect for them and in return you should feel they will be less aggressive.
1. Talk to them as an adult, do not treat them as a child. It is extremely important to remember that they are your parent and always will be, so do not try to control them, rather have a two –sided conversation.
2. Let them feel in control. You are trying to take control of their decision making, not their life. Allow them (if they are able) to maintain control of a certain part of their life. For example, if you plan to take over their finances, leave them with a budget for their grocery and gas bills. Let them go grocery shopping and allow them to figure out that small part of their finances. If they are able to take on more responsibly, also allow them manage their utility bills.
3. Visit the doctor. This is important for your parent to hear from a professional that they are unable to drive and make important decisions. Hearing it from a medical professional is easier than from their grown child.
4. Find ways for them to live independently. If they are still able to live on their own, without a senior living facility, then allow it – but still monitor their decision making. Maybe they can no longer live on their own but they car still drive locally – then allow it. This will help as you start to take away their decision-making, but they still maintain some aspects of living independently.
5. Keep them involved. You may need to make their decisions, but allow them to voice their thoughts and opinions but still make it clear that you are going to make the final decision.
Helping your parents understand the need to accept help with the important decisions isn’t easy, but it needs to be done and with these tips, you should be better equipped.
And when the time comes for senior living, call Moves for Seniors. We can help with their senior move and all that goes with it. We provide you with a checklist for moving to assisted living and a Specialty Move Coordinator for each senior move.
Call today at (800) 227-0515 or click here for a free quote.