Foods That Fight Forgetfulness
If you’re like most Americans, you probably eat three big meals a day. You eat the “sticks-to-your-ribs” kind of fare – the run-of-the-mill “meat n’ potatoes” platters that give you the energy you need to get you through to the next meal. Here’s some food for thought: rationing out your meals by dividing them into 4-6 snacks per day is not only good for your blood sugar levels, but can work wonders for your brain. Who doesn’t love snacking?
Here are some great snack tips that will give you the energy to thoroughly enjoy your day – plus, actively fight forgetfulness.

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• Nuts, Beans and Berries: Grab a handful of almonds, cashews or pecans for an extra dose of omega acids and magnesium, which boost memory and nerve function. Dark berries, such as blueberries, are loaded with antioxidants that give your brain a boost.
• Sardines and Tuna: Much like nuts, sardines and tuna are jam packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which act as a kind of gym trainer for your brain. They help your mind stay fit!
• Dark Chocolate: A square of dark chocolate a day will give your body the antioxidants it needs, and help your heart pump blood up to your brain faster and more efficiently.
• Citrus Fruits: Lemons, limes and oranges have been proven to not only give you energy, but lower stress levels.
• Greens: Leafy greens like spinach, collards, and yes, even kale, have high levels of vitamin B9. Vitamin B9 helps your brain work more efficiently and has been proven to make you feel…well, happy.
• Coffee and Tea: New research is always being published on coffee, but one thing always remains certain – caffeine helps you remember things and improves reaction time. Green, white and oolong tea reduce stress, are good for your heart, are brimming with antioxidants and help you stay alert. All positives!
• Spices: Specifically sage, cinnamon and turmeric, which help to break up brain plaque responsible for slowing down cognition. Add some cinnamon to your coffee to knock two items off this list in one quick beverage. Turmeric can be a bit tricky. Research has shown that turmeric has been a miracle spice for consumers in India. Try adding some to soup or a rice dish.
Here’s a simple recipe for a Mediterranean salad. It’s easy to make – and every single one of these ingredients will jumpstart your mind and memory.
– 4 cups baby spinach
– 4 cups romaine lettuce
– ½ red bell pepper
– 4 plum tomatoes
– ½ cup pitted olives
– ½ cup cannellini beans
– 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
– 2 table spoons fresh lemon juice
– Salt and pepper to taste
And don’t forget – a couple of 10 to 15 minute walks in the sun each week gives you both the exercise and the vitamin D you need to fight forgetfulness and live a long, healthy and delectable life